On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
Rha Goddess on Leading with Joy & Women’s Hidden Strengths

Rha Goddess on Leading with Joy & Women’s Hidden Strengths

A conversation with the visionary founder of Move The Crowd on why women’s innate powers may be the key to transforming our future.

What does it take to finally start listening to yourself? For some of my clients, their wake-up calls have come via the creeping signs of burnout, increasingly frequent panic attacks on their daily commutes to the office, or even a cracked rib from a slip down the stairs during a rare vacation break!

But for my next guest on On Becoming, it took something far more sudden and terrifying: a near-death experience that erased any room for doubt. In this episode, Rha Goddess opens up about what that terrifying moment taught her about trusting her inner voice, leaning into joy as power, and embracing women’s hidden strengths.

About Rha Goddess:

Rha is a soul coach, speaker, author, and CEO/Founder of Move The Crowd, a leadership collective that guides entrepreneurs, cultural creatives, and change-makers to find their purpose, make money, and do good.

She has over 30 years of experience as a cultural innovator and social impact strategist, with her work spanning racial justice, women’s empowerment, and transformative leadership—touching millions of lives in the process.

Rha with her Move The Crowd community, including Halla Tómasdóttir (next to Rha), the new President of Iceland

Rha’s coached some of today’s most influential figures—Gabby Bernstein, Reshma Saujani, and even Halla Tómasdóttir, the new President of Iceland—helping them align their missions with their innate power in order to create lasting impact.

She’s also the author of the bestselling book The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good. Rha has delivered a TED Talk titled “4 Ways to Redefine Power at Work to Include Women of Color,” and she’s currently working on her next book, The Great Renegotiation, which explores how we’re all redefining our relationship with work in a post-pandemic world.

I first discovered Rha in 2020 on Marie Forleo’s podcast, signed up to her newsletter and have been following her ever since. But I didn’t really experience her until early this year when I I tuned into a live cast of her Move The Crowd New Year’s message, who’s rousing theme was “Be Here Now.” Her words were so inspiring that I had my own be here now moment, and decided to reach out to her right then and invite her to join me on the show. I realized in the process we both went to Vassar College, whose legacy of empowering bold women goes deep, and everything fell into place.

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Rha Goddess and Deepa Purushothaman on the TEDWomen stage in 2021

In this episode, Rha delivers the masterclass I’ve been desperate to hear about the overlooked traits that make women natural-born leaders—compassion, intuition, and the power of community—and how these are exactly what the world craves right now.

And her insights into joy as a radical source of power will make you wonder how we ever wound up with the traditional, joyless model of leadership that dominates today.

Here are some of the key highlights/takeaways:

  • Joy as a Source of Power: Rha explores how joy, often dismissed in traditional leadership models, can be a profound source of power. She argues that embracing joy not only helps us connect with our true selves but also transforms the way we lead and interact with others.

  • Women’s Hidden Strengths: Compassion, intuition, and the ability to build community—often considered “soft” skills—are actually powerful leadership tools. Rha emphasizes that these traits, traditionally overlooked, are essential for the kind of transformative and compassionate leadership the world needs now.

  • The Importance of Listening to Your Inner Voice: Rha shares her personal story of a near-death experience, which taught her to trust her intuition and listen to the whispers of her inner voice. She encourages others to cultivate self-trust and tune in to their inner wisdom.

  • The Role of Community and Support Networks: Throughout the conversation, Rha underscores the significance of community in leadership. Women, in particular, thrive by supporting one another and drawing on collective wisdom, which strengthens their ability to lead authentically.

  • Reimagining Work and Purpose: Rha discusses her mission at Move The Crowd, which is to help people align their life’s work with their deepest calling. She advocates for a shift in how we view work—not as a grind or obligation but as an opportunity for personal expression and societal impact.

  • Vassar Legacy: We took a little trip down memory lane as we reminisce about our time at Vassar, where Rha and I both learned priceless lessons about cultivating our unique voices, celebrating strong women, and hip hop!

Rha Goddess (class of Vassar ’89) giving the keynote address at Sophomore Career Connections at Vassar in 2023

Ra’s story invites you to consider your own wake-up calls. What is your life trying to tell you? How can you begin to trust the whispers, nudges, and shake-ups (hopefully before they become too intense) that can lead you toward a more aligned, joyful existence?

Can’t wait to hear what this episode brings up for you. Enjoy!



PS. If you’re ready to explore how women’s natural-born gifts can reshape our future, this conversation with Rha Goddess is one you won’t want to miss. You can find it on your favorite podcast platform or on the integrated player above. Be to send me your comment or questions and share the episode far and wide.

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On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
I’m Zeva Bellel, a certified career transformation coach for women. I’m based in Paris, France, but I hail from Brooklyn NY. Back in 1999 I left everything known and familiar to to me to follow my dream of one day becoming French. It was a wild decision that made no “logical” sense (especially if you asked my grandpa, Sol, who thought I was nuts).Since then, in life, as well as in work, I’m fascinated by how we become the version of ourselves we’re meant to become. Especially when our paths are strewn with unexpected challenges, doubts as well as inexplicable urges and desires. However, in a world obsessed with overnight success stories and fancy ribbon cuttings, we neglect the insights and learnings that emerge during the messy middle of the transformation process. The consequences are that we often believe transformation should be obvious, quick and pain-free, since we have few examples to guide us and inspire us forward. That’s what On Becomingsets out to do—tell the true transformation stories of inspiring women entrepreneurs, creatives and innovators. Instead of merely focusing on where they are now, we’ll peel back the onion and take a lovingly honest look at their becoming journey. We’ll hear about how they made difficult decisions in the pursuit of deep self-expression and fulfilment, especially when they wandered off course and deviated from the classic path. Listen to find out how their hidden journeys can help unlock your own potential.