On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
On Becoming Season 3 (Trailer)

On Becoming Season 3 (Trailer)

After a little breather, On Becoming is back with a fresh season devoted to ‘leadership au féminin’—because if there was ever a time for fierce, feminine power, it’s NOW (Go KAMALAAA!)!

This season, we’re diving into something that comes up again and again in my coaching sessions: the unique ways women lead—reshaping power, influence, and leadership both professionally and personally. With a woman in the race for the White House, there’s no better time to dig into this!

In Season 3, we’re peeling back the layers of how accomplished women, from a multitude of sectors, lead in their own revolutionary ways, far beyond the old-school models.

Get ready to hear from a spectacular lineup of guests: trailblazers in social activism, neuroscience, design, femtech, entertainment, and even… wait for it… pornography! Yep, we’re leaving no stone unturned. These women are rewriting the rules and shattering ceilings in the most refreshing and bold ways.

Here’s what you can expect this season:

  • Real conversations with women who lead differently—embracing intuition, empathy, and curiosity.

  • Stories from across the globe—we’re talking multicultural experiences that redefine what leadership looks like in today’s world.

  • Practical takeaways on how to step into your own authentic leadership style.

We’ll explore juicy questions like:

  • How to navigate professional ambition without losing personal fulfilment?

  • How to overcome insecurity, fear and doubt while maintaining your course?

  • How and when to trust your gut, even when it means giving up a good thing?

  • What strategies work best for building inclusive and empowering spaces for others?

If you’ve ever wondered how successful women lead with authenticity, empathy, intuition, and a healthy dose of rebellion, this season will leave you inspired, motivated, and hungry for more.

Season 3 kicks off on September 12th, so mark your calendars, tell your friends, and get ready to plug in those earbuds for some seriously game-changing conversations.

Make sure to subscribe, follow the show, and don’t miss a single episode. Trust me, you’ll want to be part of this one! 💥

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On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
On Becoming with Zeva Bellel
I’m Zeva Bellel, a certified career transformation coach for women. I’m based in Paris, France, but I hail from Brooklyn NY. Back in 1999 I left everything known and familiar to to me to follow my dream of one day becoming French. It was a wild decision that made no “logical” sense (especially if you asked my grandpa, Sol, who thought I was nuts).Since then, in life, as well as in work, I’m fascinated by how we become the version of ourselves we’re meant to become. Especially when our paths are strewn with unexpected challenges, doubts as well as inexplicable urges and desires. However, in a world obsessed with overnight success stories and fancy ribbon cuttings, we neglect the insights and learnings that emerge during the messy middle of the transformation process. The consequences are that we often believe transformation should be obvious, quick and pain-free, since we have few examples to guide us and inspire us forward. That’s what On Becomingsets out to do—tell the true transformation stories of inspiring women entrepreneurs, creatives and innovators. Instead of merely focusing on where they are now, we’ll peel back the onion and take a lovingly honest look at their becoming journey. We’ll hear about how they made difficult decisions in the pursuit of deep self-expression and fulfilment, especially when they wandered off course and deviated from the classic path. Listen to find out how their hidden journeys can help unlock your own potential.